Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Prodigal Son - again?

It seems like every time I turn around the story of the Prodigal Son is looking at me. Bible Study - there it is. Church - Pastor is preaching on it. Sunday school - I have to teach it. Reading to Mini-Me - "Please read 'The Boy Who Went Away'".

When stuff like that happens, I figure the Big Guy Upstairs is trying to get my attention.

See, the thing is, I've always had a problem with this story. I relate to the wrong guy. I'm down with the big brother who always did what was right, who didn't run away and squander his inheritance on fast living and prostitutes. When he gets angry with his father at the end of the story for throwing a huge bash for the naughty brother, I totally understand!

I must be too worldly or something. Or not loving enough.

I am trying to get more on board with the way the father not only forgave his messed-up, disloyal, disobedient, selfish, greedy son, but fell on his neck and kissed him! Then he threw a huge celebration! I get (probably on a superficial level) that this is a story about God's forgiveness of all our sins, and how overjoyed He is when we repent and come back. That is super, and I'm grateful for it and need it.

But the thing that sticks in my craw, is that he had NEVER thrown a party for the bro. who stuck around, who did what was right and expected.

What's the deal with that?

If I analyze my reaction to this story (dare I?) I guess that I consider myself to be a "good" person who usually does the right thing. That must be why I relate to the older brother.

I have always struggled with the whole sin thing. Sure, human nature means we are all flawed, make mistakes, choose wrongly, stray from God, ie. sin. But it hasn't been a defining part of my self-image.

Maybe it needs to be?

Still pondering and praying. (will all my posts end this way?)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Go Make Disciples

You know what? Being a believer and follower of JC can be pretty challenging.

You pray for guidance. You get an answer. But it's like the thing you most don't want to do! "No! No! Not that! I don't want to do that!" But you get a sick feeling in your gut if you don't do it anyways. You have a not quite as sick feeling if you do that dreaded thing, with a sort of peaceful, confident feeling mixed in.

I'm not telling tales when I say that EVERY TIME I have followed guidance, or obeyed a conviction, it turns out WAY BETTER than I could have ever imagined. So why is it still so hard to follow and obey? Human nature, I guess. I just want to do things MY way. Hmph.

So, my pastor spoke Sunday about the purpose of the church. He referenced Jesus' Great Commission:
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
Yikes. Double yikes.

Trying to get other people to believe in Jesus? Scary monsters! Seriously, I do not want to do that. I admit that I have big fears of: offending, alienating, annoying, turning people off....etc.

Do I wish that everyone could experience the joy, peace, confidence, freedom of having Jesus be Lord of your life? Yes! Do I want to make that happen? Not really!

I was not brought up in the Evangelical tradition. I came up Presbyterian. The Frozen Chosen. Plus, I've had plenty of exposure to hateful, judgemental, unloving "Christians" through the media (not so much in real life). But I am quite aware that there has been serious cultural wounding by so-called "Christians". There is such a strong backlash against the abuse in the name of God that it gets all mixed up. The church leaders that have affairs or hire prostitutes don't help with the integrity factor either.

Plus our culture is so steeped in "it's all good" philosophy, that I'm pretty sure selling Jesus as "the way" will not go over well.

So, admitting all my frailty, fears and general wimpiness, my question is: HOW?

How do we "go and make disciples"?

I am convinced that the love of Christ must be at the center of whatever happens, or nothing will happen. But that's as far as I've gotten.

Another item to pray about.